Thursday, October 4, 2012

Raw Vegan recipe

So I did not think I was going to post today, but I finally got around to make this recipe, and oh my is it good!!!! So good! I, of course, had to learn that there is a no liquid rules in my 6$ Goodwill food processor (hello splashed counters!) although there might be a similar rule in all processors! ha!

Anyway, moving on. You can find the recipe here on a blog called This Rawesome Life. Although I do not eat raw (ok I admit to finishing whole zucchinis slice by slice in front of the TV more that once), many of the dessert recipes sound so appetizing. (see for instance this cheesecake, that I so want to make!). I even admit to laughing while reading an article hat I cannot find anymore, where this long distance runner admitted that he had to limit his raw intake since he basically run out of time to chew!

So this is the recipe for Banana Ice Cream Floats as I made it:

1 1/2 frozen bananas
3 dates
1/2 a 500mL container of coconut water
a dash of vanilla

Em on that Rawesome life tells us to blend each separately. I used a food processor for bananas. It looked like it was not working too well at first, but after some time "processing" it started looking like soft-serve ice cream, bingo!

I used a blender for the "root-beer" like concoction. After a good blending (dates are a little hard to blend), the liquid turned whiteish and was ready. Pour in a tall glass, add the banana ice cream on top and voilĂ !

You get awesome banana ice cream float! It's raw, and all the sweetness is natural. Enjoy :D